7 Days to Die

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In this guide we will show you how and where to set up your 7 Days to Die game server.

Start & Stopp

To set up the server, you need some files, which the server must download first!

Turn on the server once, and when it is up, turn it off again

Now the server has downloaded everything and can be set up!



Path: /home/container/serverconfig.xml

Here you can set the server name, password, visibility and many other settings for the server

Attention: You may only change the values. Not the properties !!!



Path: /home/container/.local/share/7DaysToDie/Saves/serveradmin.xml

Here you can make yourself and others an administrator, distribute permissions and create a blacklist or whitelist

Go to line 45 and remove the red underlined at both ends of the text. Now add your SteamID, your ingame name and your permission-level. Now you are administrator.


You can also write this line several times one below the other, if you want to have more than one administrator.
