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The Avorion game server can be configured in the startup and a file

Attention: Start the server for a few moments so that all the needed files are downloaded


All "basic" settings can be found in the Startup

The fine tuning can be done in server.ini


Path: /home/container/galaxy/Avorion/server.ini

* Seed=9gfddTsaAN
* Difficulty=0
* HardcoreEnabled=false
* InfiniteResources=false
* CollisionDamage=1
* SafePlayerInput=false
* PlayerToPlayerDamage=true
* LogoutInvincibility=true
* LogoutInvincibilityDelay=30
* DevMode=false
* ExplicitCallables=true
* BigWreckageDespawnTime=1800
* SmallWreckageDespawnTime=900
* MaximumFightersPerSectorAndPlayer=-1
* MaximumBlocksPerCraft=-1
* MaximumVolumePerShip=-1
* MaximumVolumePerStation=-1
* MaximumPlayerShips=-1
* MaximumPlayerStations=-1
* MaximumBlocksPerTurret=250
* PlayerInventorySlots=1000
* AllianceInventorySlots=1000
* Version=1.0
* sameStartSector=true
* startUpScript=data/scripts/server/server.lua
* startSectorScript=startsector
* motd=

* saveInterval=600
* sectorUpdateTimeLimit=300
* emptySectorUpdateInterval=0.5
* workerThreads=1
* generatorThreads=2
* scriptBackgroundThreads=2
* aliveSectorsPerPlayer=5
* weakUpdate=true
* profiling=false
* sendCrashReports=true
* hangDetection=true
* backups=true
* backupsPath=/home/container/backups
* simulateHighLoadServer=false
* sendSectorDelay=2
* placeInShipOnDeathDelay=7

* port=27000
* broadcastInterval=5
* isPublic=true
* isListed=false
* isAuthenticated=true
* sendStatsToAdmins=true
* useSteam=true
* rconIp=
* rconPassword=
* rconPort=27015

* maxPlayers=10
* name=Avorion Server
* description=An Avorion Server
* password=
* pausable=false
* accessListMode=Blacklist
* steamIdOverride=0


Path: /home/container/galaxy/Avorion

To become an admin on your server, you will need to enter your player name and Steam ID here.

You can add the following code snippet several times if you want to add more administrators:

<admin name="Player-Name" id="Steam-ID"/>
