Wiki of MyGamePlatform Help



In this guide we will show you a few things that you may need for your Terraria game server.

Set a Password

Path: /home/container/serverconfig.txt

You can set the password for the server in the file: serverconfig.txt.

Add password=hereyourpassword to the next free line


Change Players and the Difficulty

The difficulty, maximum number of players, etc. can be set in the startup.


Add a Map

If you want to migrate a world, you just have to put the world file (“.wld”) that you find locally under Documents>My games>Terraria>Worlds into the folder home>container>saves>Worlds and adjust the world name in the config (or adjust the file name. It just has to be the same)

Server Moderation via the Console

Write "help" in the console to get a list of all commands


Important Info!

You can not assign admin-rights InGame and have no access to admin-actions. For this you would need the Plugin "TSHOCKWHICH" can be found on Github.


Last modified: 20 February 2025